This is somes personnals documentation build all long my career. You will find it only in the english version.


Checks your disks # check partion parted -l /dev/sda fdisk -l # check partition - visible before the mkfs ls /sys/sda/sda* ls /dev/sd* # give partition after the mkfs or pvcreate blkid blkid -o list # summary about the disks, partitions, FS and LVM lsblk lsblk -f Create Partition 1 on disk sdb in script mode # with...

The Basics mdadm (multiple devices admin) is software solution to manage RAID. It allow: create, manage, monitor your disks in an RAID array. you can the full disks (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdc) or (/dev/sdb1, /dev/sdc1) replace or complete raidtools Checks Basic checks # View real-time information about your md devices cat...

FS Types ext4 : le plus répandu sous GNU/Linux (issu de ext2 et ext3). Il est journalisé, c’est à dire qu’il trace les opérations d’écriture pour garantir l’intégrité des données en cas d’arrêt brutal du disque. De plus, il peut gérer des volumes de taille jusque 1 024 pébioctets et permet la pré-allocation d’une zone...

S.M.A.R.T. is a technology that allows you to monitor and analyze the health and performance of your hard drives. It provides valuable information about the status of your storage devices. Here are some useful commands and tips for using S.M.A.R.T. with smartctl: Display S.M.A.R.T. Information To display S.M.A.R.T....

Install and Set Multipath yum install device-mapper-multipath Check settings in vim /etc/multipath.conf: defaults { user_friendly_names yes path_grouping_policy multibus } add disk in blacklisted and a block multipaths { multipath { wwid "36000d310004142000000000000000f23" alias oralog1 } Special config for some...

The Basics list of component: PV (Physical Volume) VG (Volume Group) LV (Logical Volume) PE (Physical Extend) LE (Logical Extend) FS (File Sytem) LVM2 use a new driver, the device-mapper allow the us of disk´s sectors in different targets: - linear (most used in LVM). - stripped (stripped on several disks) - error...

The Basics NFS vs iscsi NFS can handle simultaniously writing from several clients. NFS is a filesystem , iscsi is a block storage. iscsi performance are same with NFS. iscsi will appear as disk to the OS, not the case for NFS. Concurrent access to a block device like iSCSI is not possible with standard file systems....

Ressources # in crontab or tmux session - take every hour a track of the memory usage for i in {1..24} ; do echo -n "===================== " ; date ; free -m ; top -b -n1 | head -n 15 ; sleep 3600; done >> /var/log/SYSADM/memory.log & Hardware Logs Health Checks

Compare staffs Compare two jar files: diff -W200 -y <(unzip -vqq file1.jar | awk '{ if ($1 > 0) {printf("%s\t%s\n", $1, $8)}}' | sort -k2) <(unzip -vqq file2.jar | awk '{ if ($1 > 0) {printf("%s\t%s\n", $1, $8)}}' | sort -k2)