
  • See what is currently installed
helm list -A
NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
nesux3  default         1               2022-08-12 20:01:16.0982324 +0200 CEST  deployed        nexus3-1.0.6    3.37.3
  • Install/Uninstall
helm status nesux3
helm uninstall nesux3
helm install nexus3 
helm history nexus3

# work even if already installed
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ${DIR}/helm/ingress-nginx \
  --namespace=ingress-nginx \
  --create-namespace \
  -f $helm {DIR}/helm/ingress-values.yml

#Make helm unsee an apps (it does not delete the apps) 
kubectl delete secret -l owner=helm,name=argo-cd
  • Handle Helm Repo and Charts
#Handle repo 
helm repo list
helm repo add gitlab
helm repo update

#Pretty usefull to configure
helm show values elastic/eck-operator

#See different version available
helm search repo hashicorp/vault
helm search repo hashicorp/vault -l

# download a chart
helm fetch ingress/ingress-nginx --untar 


  • List all images needed in helm charts (but not the one with no tags)
helm template -g longhorn-1.4.1.tgz |yq -N '..|.image? | select(. == "*" and . != null)'|sort|uniq|grep ":"|egrep -v '*:[[:blank:]]' || echo ""