Connexion to k8s cluster


  • Define KUBECONFIG in your profile
# Default one 

# Several context - to keep splited 

# Or can be specified in command
kubectl get pods --kubeconfig=admin-kube-config
  • View and Set
kubectl config view
kubectl config current-context

kubectl config set-context \
dev-context \
--namespace=dev-namespace \
--cluster=docker-desktop \

kubectl config use-context lab
  • Switch context
#set Namespace 
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=nexus3
kubectl config get-contexts


The problem with the kubeconfig is that it get nexted in one kubeconfig and difficult to manage on long term. The best way to install it, is with Arkade arkade get kubecm - see arkade.

Here, the most usefull

kubecm list 
kubecm add -f new-cluster.yaml
kubecm delete
kubecm rename
kubecm switch # Kubecm s (is also fine)
kubecm export

Manage Secrets

  • Add Certificates in a Secrets
kubectl create secret tls urls-tls --key="tls.key" --cert="tls.crt"  -n longhorn-system --dry-run=client -o yaml