This is somes personnals documentation build all long my career. You will find it only in the english version.


Find a process blocking a file with fuser: fuser -m </dir or /files> # Find process blocking/using this directory or files. fuser -cu </dir or /files> # Same as above but add the user fuser -kcu </dir or /files> # Kill process fuser -v -k -HUP -i ./ # Send HUP signal to process # Output will send you <PID + letter>,...

Server Side First Install samba and samba-client (for debug + test) /etc/samba/smb.conf [home] Workgroup=WORKGROUP (le grp par defaul sur windows) Hosts allow = ... [shared] browseable = yes path = /shared valid users = user01, @un_group_au_choix writable = yes passdb backend = tdbsam #passwords are stored in the...

SSHFS SshFS sert ร  monter sur son FS, un autre systรจme de fichier distant, ร  travers une connexion SSH, le tout avec des droits utilisateur. Lโ€™avantage est de manipuler les donnรฉes distantes avec nโ€™importe quel gestionnaire de fichier (Nautilus, Konqueror, ROX, ou mรชme la ligne de commande). - Pre-requis : droits...

Presentation Gita is opensource project in python to handle a bit number of projects available: Here # Install pip3 install -U gita # add repo in gita gita add dcc/ssg/toolset gita add -r dcc/ssg # recursively add gita add -a dcc # resursively add and auto-group based on folder structure # create a group gita group...

Prerequis - Firewalld activated, important otherwise the routing to the app is not working - Podman, jq installed Import image podman pull podman save -o gitea-rootless.tar podman load < gitea-rootless.tar Install cat...

Admnistration See what is currently installed helm list -A NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION nesux3 default 1 2022-08-12 20:01:16.0982324 +0200 CEST deployed nexus3-1.0.6 3.37.3 Install/Uninstall helm status nesux3 helm uninstall nesux3 helm install nexus3 helm history nexus3 # work even if...

Connexion to k8s cluster Kubeconfig Define KUBECONFIG in your profile # Default one KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config # Several context - to keep splited KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/k3sup-lab:~/.kube/k3s-dev # Or can be specified in command kubectl get pods --kubeconfig=admin-kube-config View and Set kubectl config view kubectl config...

This was available on RHEL 6/7 Checking status of the cluster: clustat clustat -m # Display status of and exit clustat -s # Display status of and exit clustat -l # Use long format for services cman_tool status # how local record of cluster status cman_tool nodes # how local record of cluster nodes cman_tool nodes -af...

See also documentation about Podman and Docker How to use a docker regsitry # list index catalog curl | jq # List tags available regarding an image curl # list index catalog - with user/password curl...