This is somes personnals documentation build all long my career. You will find it only in the english version.


Get tag_name from latest export RKE_VERSION=$(curl -s | jq -r '.data[] | select(.id=="stable") | .latest' | awk -F"+" '{print $1}'| sed 's/v//') export CERT_VERSION=$(curl -s | jq -r .tag_name) export...

Create a small infra for kubernetes #On your Azure CLI az --version # Version expected 2.1.0 or higher az group delete --name kubernetes -y az group create -n kubernetes -l westeurope az network vnet create -g kubernetes \ -n kubernetes-vnet \ --address-prefix \ --subnet-name kubernetes-subnet az network...

Install Client # most simple arkade get doctl # normal way curl -OL tar xf doctl-1.104.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz mv doctl /usr/local/bin # Auto-Completion ZSH doctl completion zsh > $ZSH/completions/_doctl Basics find possible...

Troubleshoot DNS vi dns.yml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: dnsutils namespace: default spec: containers: - name: dnsutils image: command: - sleep - "infinity" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent restartPolicy: Always deploy dnsutils k apply -f dns.yml...

List ansible-galaxy collection list Install an Ansible Collection # From Ansible Galaxy official repo ansible-galaxy collection install community.general # From a tarball locally ansible-galaxy collection install ./community-general-6.0.0.tar.gz # From custom Repo ansible-galaxy collection install...

ansible-inventory --list | jq -r 'map_values(select(.hosts != null and (.hosts | contains(["myhost"])))) | keys[]' kafka_host: "[{{ groups['KAFKA'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'inventory_hostname') | map('regex_replace', '^', '\"') | map('regex_replace', '\\\"', '\"') | map('regex_replace', '$', ':'+ kafka_port +'\"') |...

Validate Terraform code dirs -c for DIR in $(find ./examples -type d); do pushd $DIR terraform init terraform fmt -check terraform validate popd done Execute Terraform export DO_PAT="dop_v1_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" doctl auth init --context rkub # inside a dir with a tf file terraform init terraform validate terraform plan...

A list of nice findings for Kubernetes List all images in Helm chart images=$(helm template -g $helm |yq -N '..|.image? | select(. == "*" and . != null)'|sort|uniq|grep ":"|egrep -v '*:[[:blank:]]' || echo "") upload images listed in an Helm chart load_helm_images(){ # look in helm charts for helm in $(ls...