This is somes personnals documentation build all long my career. You will find it only in the english version.


Server Idm - Identity Manager prerequisites : repository configured NTP synchronize check config DHCP/DNS hostname -f == hostname acces to webui IDM : yum install -y ipa-server ipa-server-dns ipa-server-install \ \ --realm=EXAMPLE.COM \...

# Import values with details connexion . .\values.ps1 $scriptFilePath ="$MyPath\Install\MysqlBase\Script.sql" # Load the required DLL file (depend on your connector) [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 8.0.23\Assemblies\v4.5.2\MySql.Data.dll") # Load in var...

POO # Convert your json in object and put it in variable $a = Get-Content 'D:\temp\mytest.json' -raw | ConvertFrom-Json $a.update | % {if($ -eq 'test1'){$_.version=3.0}} $a | ConvertTo-Json -depth 32| set-content 'D:\temp\mytestBis.json' Example updating a XML #The file we want to change $xmlFilePath =...

S3cmd # install sudo pip install s3cmd # config s3cmd --configure # Create if does not already exist s3cmd info s3://terraform-backend-test || s3cmd mb s3://terraform-backend-test -v -d # Delete bucket s3cmd rb s3://terraform-backend-github-test --recursive # Get size of the bucket s3cmd du s3://terraform-backend-test...

Register your session Usefull to keep a track or document and share what have been done. script : save all commandes and result in a โ€œtypescriptโ€ file. script -a : append to an existing โ€œtypescriptโ€ file (otherwise erase previous one). exit : to stop session. asciinema : save the terminal session in video. For RHEL -...

Troubleshooting sudo realm list authselect current sssctl domain-list sssctl config-check getent -s files passwd getent -s sss passwd user getent passwd dig -t SRV sssctl user-checks toto -s sshd -a auth SSSD process config to link to AD Prerequisites : Need port 369 and 3268 for RHEL8 : dnf -y...

Tmux git clone Commandes line tmux new -s ma_session : Create new session. tmux attach : Attach to the last used session. tmux attach -t X : Attach to ymux sessions with X number. tmux ls : List active tmux sessions. tmux split-window -dh "!!" : Run command in separate...

Unicode with With echo echo $โ€™\xaeโ€™ = โ€œยฎโ€ Digraphs in VIM Vim has a special shorthand for entering characters with diacritical marks. If you need some familiar variant of a Latin alphabet character youโ€™ll be able to input it with the digraph system. Digraph input is started in insert or command mode (but not normal...