Register your session

Usefull to keep a track or document and share what have been done.

script : save all commandes and result in a “typescript” file.
script -a : append to an existing “typescript” file (otherwise erase previous one).
exit : to stop session.

asciinema : save the terminal session in video.

For RHEL - something like Tlog exists and can be configure and centralised with Rsyslog.


/etc/DIR_COLORS.xterm define terminal colors dircolors change colors in the ls output

Define terminal:

# Activate vi
set -o vi

# Desactive vi
set +o vi           

# Activate emacs
set -o emacs 

Communicate with other sessions

  • Send a message to all connected people to the server:
< write your message >   
Ctrl +d
  • Send a message to a specific user (ttyp2 or pts/1 or getty):
write <user> ttyp2   
<taper son message>  
Ctrl +d 
  • Accept message or not on your terminal mesg <y or n>. finger if there is a * mean the user refuse to receive message.

  • by mail

uuencode test.txt test.txt | mailx -s "test"                           # mail with attach file (mailx > 12.x)
uuencode test.txt test.txt; mailx -a test.txt -s "test" < /dev/null    # mail with attach file (mailx < 12.x)


when you are in ksh on some old system nothing is define. So you need to map by yourself:

# list all stty possible
stty -a    

# make Backspace touch erase 
stty erase [la touche backspace] [Enter]   

# everything what you type is not visible
stty โ€“echo

# get the visibilty back
stty echo 

Les Profiles

/etc/profile - common to all users.
~/.profile - userยดs profile execute if .bash_profile does not exist.
/etc/bash.bashrc or ~/.bashrc - interactif non-login Shells. ( when terminal is open or bash cmd).
~/.bash_profile - executed when login to Shell.
TMOUT=300 - session TimeOut.
sources .bashrc - Reload .bashrc.

when you want .bashrc to trigger all the time, to put in .bash_profile:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
   source ~/.bashrc

Definition des Alias

# define an alias
alias  ll=`ls -lrt`;  

# cumule command
alias  mon_script=`cd /le/repertoire/de/mon/script; ./mon_script;  cd -`; 

alias                  # List all aliases ongoing
type <alias_name>      # give some info on alias
alias <alias_name>     # give content of an alias
unalias <alias_name>   # delete an alias

