This is somes personnals documentation build all long my career. You will find it only in the english version.


Validate Terraform code 1dirs -c 2for DIR in $(find ./examples -type d); do 3 pushd $DIR 4 terraform init 5 terraform fmt -check 6 terraform validate 7 popd 8 done Execute Terraform 1export DO_PAT="dop_v1_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 2doctl auth init --context rkub 3 4# inside a dir with a tf file 5terraform init 6terraform...

A list of nice findings for Kubernetes List all images in Helm chart 1images=$(helm template -g $helm |yq -N '..|.image? | select(. == "*" and . != null)'|sort|uniq|grep ":"|egrep -v '*:[[:blank:]]' || echo "") upload images listed in an Helm chart 1load_helm_images(){ 2 # look in helm charts 3 for helm in $(ls...

The Basics awk is treat each line as a table, by default space are separators of columns. General syntax is awk 'search {action}' file_to_parse. 1# Give the value higher than 75000 in column $4 2df | awk '$4 > 75000' 3 4# Print the all line when column $4 is higher than 75000 5df | awk '$4 > 75000 {print $0}' But if...

Description Buildah: is used to build Open Container Initiative (OCI) format or Docker format container images without the need for a daemon. Podman: provides the ability to directly run container images without a daemon. Podman can pull container images from a container registry, if they are not available locally....

1# see images available on your hosts 2docker image list 3 4# equal to above 5docker images 6REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE 7httpd latest 6fa26f20557b 45 hours ago 164MB 8hello-world latest 75280d40a50b 4 months ago 1.69kB 9 10# give sha 11docker images --no-trunc=true 12 13# delete unused images 14docker rmi...

The Basics 1sed -e '…' -e '…' # Several execution 2sed -i # Replace in place 3sed -r # Play with REGEX 4 5# The most usefull 6sed -e '/^[ ]*#/d' -e '/^$/d' <fich.> # openfile without empty or commented lines 7sed 's/ -/\n -/g' # replace all "-" with new lines 8sed 's/my_match.*/ /g' # remove from the match till end of...

The Boot - starting process - BIOS est lancé automatiquement et détecte les périphs. - Charge la routine de démarrage depuis le MBR (Master Boot Record) - C'est le disk de boot et se trouve sur le premier secteur du disque dur. - Le MBR contient un loader qui charge le "second stage loader" c'est le "boot loader" qui...

Interesting example from justfile documentation: where it create mktemp and set it in variable then by concatenation you get a full path to the tar.gz. Then the Recipe “publish” create the artifact again and push it to a server. 1tmpdir := `mktemp` # Create a tmp file 2version := "0.2.7" 3tardir := tmpdir /...

Shell Variable $$var $$( python -c ‘import sys; print(’ ) Make Variable T ?= foo # give a default value T := $(shell whoami) # execute shell immediately to put in the var PHONY to execute several makefile Example 1 1SUBDIRS = foo bar baz 2 3## dir is a Shell variables 4## SUBDIR and MAKE are...

Deploy a Nexus3 in container on VM Load the image 1podman pull sonatype/nexus3:3.59.0 2podman save sonatype/nexus3:3.59.0 -o nexus3.tar 3podman load < nexus3.tar Create a service inside /etc/systemd/system/container-nexus3.service with content below: 1[Unit] 2Description=Nexus Podman container 3Wants=syslog.service 4...