See also documentation about Podman and Docker How to use a docker regsitry # list index catalog curl | jq # List tags available regarding an image curl # list index catalog - with user/password curl...

Deploy a Nexus3 in container on VM Load the image podman pull sonatype/nexus3:3.59.0 podman save sonatype/nexus3:3.59.0 -o nexus3.tar podman load < nexus3.tar Create a service inside /etc/systemd/system/container-nexus3.service with content below: [Unit] Description=Nexus Podman container Wants=syslog.service...

Deploy a / Mirror-registry on container Nothing original, it just the documentation of redhat, but can be usefull to kickstart a registry. mirror="" wget ${mirror}/mirror-registry/latest/mirror-registry.tar.gz tar zxvf mirror-registry.tar.gz sudo...