Most usefull shortcut Ctrl + r : Search and reverse. (ctrl+r pour remonter l’history). Ctrl + l : Clear the screen (instead to use “clear” command). Ctrl + p : Repeat last command. Ctrl + x + Ctrl + e : Edit the current command on an external editor. (Need to define export EDITOR=vim ). Ctrl + shift + v : Copy / paste...

Register your session Usefull to keep a track or document and share what have been done. script : save all commandes and result in a “typescript” file. script -a : append to an existing “typescript” file (otherwise erase previous one). exit : to stop session. asciinema : save the terminal session in video. For RHEL -...

Tmux git clone Commandes line tmux new -s ma_session : Create new session. tmux attach : Attach to the last used session. tmux attach -t X : Attach to ymux sessions with X number. tmux ls : List active tmux sessions. tmux split-window -dh "!!" : Run command in separate...

Unicode with With echo echo $’\xae’ = “®” Digraphs in VIM Vim has a special shorthand for entering characters with diacritical marks. If you need some familiar variant of a Latin alphabet character you’ll be able to input it with the digraph system. Digraph input is started in insert or command mode (but not normal...

Plugins # HCL mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/jvirtanen/start cd ~/.vim/pack/jvirtanen/start git clone # Justfile mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start cd ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start git clone Fun Facts trigger a vim tutorial vimtutor the most...